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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Check my original post, new videos added! Just added some new videos to my Minmus playlist. I have done the repair mission, not exactly to plan, but I came up with a different solution. KIS and KAS is an awesome mod, I can't play without it now.
  2. VIDEOS UPDATED! I fly my my first Minmus landing mission. I have already setup my satellite scanner and a small Kerballed (manned) orbital station around Minmus. It is all prepared for my mining ship. Soon to come, I will be doing another video where I send a cargo rocket up to replace the gigantic solar array I broke on the way. I am currently running game version 1.02 and I have KIS,KAS amongst other mods installed. I hope you enjoy the videos. Playlist: Mining ship to minmus Pt1: Mining ship to minmus Pt2: Mission to repair solar array: Solar array issues: Finding a solution: Executing the solution: Expanding the solar array on minmus: We strip the cargo ship for parts:
  3. Actually I might give that a try as well. I will do a re-design and test it out. Ill experiment, thanks for the ideas.
  4. Thanks again all, just updated, check out my video, link at start of thread, and here, saving you having to go back up. https://youtu.be/SXTWEl5U47M
  5. Ok cool, some interesting ideas all. I did a few adjustments and removed the kerbal command pod and just have the remote guidance command with a dock on the front, and I placed a girder coming out the back so if it lands on the rear it falls forward onto the wheels. Yeah I tried the MK3 cargo bay but the wheels are sticking out and it wont attach. I'm thinking I may build this rover as a rocket, with side thrusters to push over onto the wheels like the picture above. Another option is to do a really big rocket around it and having it suspended in the middle to drop down once landed.Will post pics once I get something built. Will try the rover as a rocket option first.
  6. UPDATE Just finished my Mun truck rocket + skycrane. I have managed to successfully create and land my Mun truck on the Mun, thanks all for the inspiration. On my first test run I got into orbit with no issues, so I started recording and it turned out better than expected, no crashes, no reloads, and a nice 360 skycrane dismount after touch down lol. Enjoy the video. I need to get this Mun truck I designed to the Mun. Anyone have any suggestions, I'm doing it mostly with stock parts, apart from KIS, UKS,MKS and KW rocketry. It's weight is 18 tonnes, and I want to be able to deploy it onto it's wheels without thrusters on the vehicle, is it possible? I need some ideas.
  7. Yeah, but lets be honest, ckan doesnt even work very well, so far I am yet to update anything succesfully, it constantly freezes and I end up going to the curse website and doing it manually. I understand its free, but if your going to do something, at the very least, do it right.
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