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Everything posted by Paramars

  1. You're right! That did the job, I had to buy Engineering 101... I didn't know that the tech tree changed. Thanks a lot!
  2. Hello, In my science game that I've had for a few months, I'd saved some spacecrafts that used stacked decouplers. Now that I'm at 1.0, I can't launch with those rockets because it says: "Unavailable Experimental Parts. This vessel contains experimental parts which are not available at the moment: 2x TR-18A Stack Decoupler. 1x Communotron 16." In the structural tab, I only have a Modular Girder Segment and a TT-38K Radial Decoupler. Does anyone know how to get the stack decoupler back? Thanks!
  3. I still have this issue today, with v1.0... Does anyone know a real solution? This is what happens if I right-click-drag (.mov video): http://g2f.nl/07kwxbe
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