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Posts posted by stampy

  1. Every career seems to run into some point where I just suck it up and start farming out the KSC mini-biomes for science. Its just plain painful -- obviously not because its hard, but its just silly clicking and repetition. Doesn't even need a clever ship design, just repetition. I also don't want to just full-on cheat the science into my save; I want to know that I have actually collected each piece of silly biome science.

    I would love to have something to automate this. I'm not familiar enough with the API to know the possible/best ways to accomplish it... maybe just add "player has collected and returned 6 surface samples from KSC runway" to the current game, maybe add a part that will collect a sample of each applicable experiment (trivial biome, unlocked, not maxed).

    Yes, its still cheating, but it would be great for just the really trivial science -- only biomes that can be walked to (without climbing! :)), only experiments that have been unlocked. No measuring gravity at science level 0, no VAB rooftop science without landing on it, no command pod 1 memorial biome until the VAB is upgraded.

    I don't think much is added to the game by driving a silly rover around KSC for two hours, clicking on parts dozens of times to collect data and reset; but yet, the science is _there_, and I am but a moth to the flame.

  2. Trying to flatten out my orbit to the equator, I noticed something on the readouts -- some longitudes are listed as positive or negative, and some are listed as E or W (e.g., the current longitude is E/W, longitude of AN is +/-).

    Any chance we can get them in the same units? Or, if there is a good reason they are different, I'd settle for learning something :)

    - - - Updated - - -

    Hrm, and looking closer, I'm not so sure about those E/W readouts. After a couple of orbits:


    I'm awfully far west! Is there a modulus missing somewhere? Or maybe the joys of modulus on negative numbers, since its west?

  3. I am playing over a steam stream, windows host, and using a PS4 gamepad (shows up to KSP as "Controller (valve stream..."). For only the Translate Down _secondary_ binding, when I set to to all modes, it saves as "Docking (translation)" mode only.

    I can work around this, by just binding my gamepad button to the _primary_ binding, since I don't really use IJKL anyways, but I thought it might be worth reporting. It doesn't seem to matter what button on the gamepad I bind to it, and I haven't found any other bindings that this happens for (even the other secondary translate bindings).

  4. true, I forgot this thread was about linux in a vm since the post I was responding to was asking about parallels on a mac.

    yep, was just more about linux in parallels than vbox/vmware. experiment has been abandoned... parallels actually does fairly well on 3d acceleration with a windows vm, but linux (mint at least, ubuntu may be better but i ran out of patience) is clunky.

    back to steam streaming from windows. at least that is pretty solid; i only wish i could scale the fonts up so i could have my beautiful 2880x1800 and still read text :)

  5. I think I'm about to give Mint 17.1 under Parallels a while (late 2013 macbook pro, 16gb)... if anyone has the knowledge to warn me off before I dump time into it, it would be appreciated :). Otherwise, I'll post results.

    Love my kerbals... just isn't playable on mac anymore.

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