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Everything posted by Mäpä

  1. Not problems but the fact that I have to use stock mk2 at all because some of the b9 mk2 parts are missing isn't too cool
  2. Any news on when the updated mk2 parts will be included in the dev version? Mixing b9 and stock mk2 parts is driving me nuts
  3. My first working MK3 SSTO, capable of lifting anything to orbit you can fit into cargo bay.
  4. My very first MK3 SSTO, which I'm very proud of This thing has been capable of lifting anything to LKO so far I have tried to fit into it. Edit1 Can somebody tell me how to make these imgur albums work? Edit2 Nvm Edit3 craft file if you would like to have a go https://www.dropbox.com/s/f4e2twx2yayfn4z/NuFarLaggerNoMore.craft?dl=0
  5. The first SSTO I actually managed to get into orbit with the new voxel-based FAR http://imgur.com/gallery/2Bh9SV3/new Still trying to come up with a cool name though.
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