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Everything posted by Voidwalker

  1. It's too nerfed, too. I thought I bought in at 1,281.73:1, but it's actually 12,812.73:1 at 5% commitment and 78k buy-in. The developers do not make numbers easy to read in this game. A simple comma would be nice or maybe getting rid of the unnecessary decimal. Did a contract for 18k and ended up with 0 science gains with only this strategy active. I should be getting 1 for every 13k. Sort of off-topic, but: I thought the grind fest would disappear with a tree rebalance, but the tree is still full of nonsense (i.e. Jet engines without Jet fuel tanks, fixed landing gear (for jets?), ALL vehicle wheels requiring an upgraded facility to research rather than being spaced out in a sensible progression). 35:1 R&D ratios were far too generous, but 13,000:1? In this already existing grind-fest? Career doesn't feel right at all. But yes, it isn't even returning at the posted rate.
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