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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I'm having an issue where on re-entry, the MK1 command pod dives downward instead of the heat shield directly underneath it. This happened in stock 1.0 but was fixed in a hotfix but after installing your mod it came back.
  2. The bug I experienced a few pages ago was solved after reinstalling RemoteTech. Is there any way to activate/deactivate antennas through the RemoteTech UI? If not, I feel like that might be a good feature later on. Edit: Nevermind, I forgot about action groups.
  3. I have a suggestion for the future. For installed mods, if we list the date installed and the date of the latest version available on CKAN, that would allow users to see if the mod being downloaded is the latest version.
  4. I started a new career mode after picking this up after the update. When I have dishes on a satellite it says no transmitters available. Any idea what might cause this?
  5. Is there any way this will be added onto CKAN? Currently, the version of TweakScale on it is the one created by Biotronic and is on version 1.50.
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