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Everything posted by Meldi

  1. I've noticed something simulare that i believe to be connected to this. While landed (on minmus) and drilling for ore my solar panels continiue to track the sun and produce energy trough the night. Despite the sun more or less being on the oposite side of the planet. I didn't think too much of it there and then so didn't take a screenshot, will take one the next time it happens. Additional info to pinpoint or help reproduce: One thing i did notice one of the times this happened was that it only seemd to affect solar panels that are perpendicular to the sun. My setup was a 4x symetry X made of gigantor panels. The part of the x that was pointing towards and away from where the sun was didn't produce power (i know for sure that one of them didn't, can't really remember the other but i don't think it did) while the two sides of the X that were roughly perpendicular to where the sun was reportad a sun exposure of 0.99 despite beeing aimed roughly 45 degrees downwards.
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