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Everything posted by Bzz

  1. To celebrate 100 Subscriber milestone i reated this video What do You think?
  2. My first return from Eve in carrier mode. I overbuilt this rocket a little bit but its fine Lift off from Eve with 2700 dv left (to return to Kerbin) EVE and back:
  3. Answer for fairing : In this pictures : a) rocket with normal nose cone with added separator c) empty fairing. 50 % of possible length in first click d) empty fairing. 100 % of possible length in first click. (with the smallest hole possible) e) empty fairing. 3 clicks in length Quick answer : well, fairings seems to be as good as nose cones with separators. Also obvious fact : fairing performance depends from his shape. I also did some... stupid tests... to check if adding multiple separators increase performance (I know it shouldn't, but well... I wanted to try it and maybe discover something cool ^^) Quick answer : Id doesn't
  4. ...? is that a "tail connector A" beating all other nose cones and even fairing????
  5. Hi Everyone knows that nose cone effect only kicks in at certain speed. I was always wondering if they should be used in EVE's atmosphere, because there You move kinda slowly. And I wanted to find out if You can reach high enough speed on EVE to see nose cone effect. So I did this test. I put 4 similar rockets on EVE. Everything is the same. Except nose cones. The Quick answer is YES. Nose cone effect kicks in at about 100 m/s (at 1500m in this example). This effect is more noticable in video. I leave a link. Also, I want to ask... Someone told me that i CAN'T put any video links in this forum topic (general KSP Discusions). Is it true? Or can I? And... should I? Do You want to see similar stuff? Please let me know!
  6. Another test. Same rockets. Thrust changed. first picture Thrust limiter of both rockets set to 74.5. Second picture to 49.5. Same results again. Even with little bit higher mass rocket with separator performs better... with 50 % throtle it not only have higher speed, but slightly higher altitute too.
  7. @FancyMouse I did test again. Changed lander can for RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit. Here are the rockets and results : Looks like difference now is way smaller but it still exist. And... can nose cone really impact performanse so much??? Keep in mind that separator adds additional 0.075t mass... (BTW rocket in left accelerates faster, but rocket on right reaches highermax speed. And this is with small Fuel amount... In larger rockets this difference will be way more noticeble. Its like separator increases max speed...)
  8. Hello everyone! I was testing nose cones and wanted to create a detachable nose cone (by adding decoupler / separator under nose cone). The idea was to use nose cone advange while in atmosphere and then detach it when in space. I was surprised than i saw that rocket with added separator / decoupler performs better than without it !!! This is also true for other types of small nose cones. But this doesn't improve larger rockets Was this already know to someone? Was this intended? I also made video about this discovery. If photos isn't enough for someone and if You want to see how test was done... I put a link to the video
  9. I finally made it to the Laythe! You can see my journey here : and here are some images
  10. Post some pictures/videos about Your vehicles, because it's hard to understand what is wrong with them. Maybe this video to Laythe will answer any of Your questions be giving You any ideas how to change Your vehicles or inspire You to make new one.
  11. Planting 10 Flags on Duna! DUNA and back [10 Kerbals]
  12. Hello everyone Finally video about Eeloo came out! everything is edited really nicely check it out here: EElOO and back:
  13. Hello everyone I landed on DRES for first time! Also filmed everything and edited very nicely. You can check mission to DRES here : DRES and back
  14. Yep, it's The Biggest FLAG in KSP You have ever seen! And I landed it on Duna! Video: Images: Do You want to see more? Go to the Video above!
  15. Hi everyone! So I finally landed on Moho, visited 3 Biomes and returned back to Kerbin. I filmed everything and edited very nicely! Here is the video (don't forget that you can leave I like if You find this stuff interesting ) MOHO and back
  16. Thanks! can You please tell me how can i find that subforum? I want to see others videos!
  17. Hello Guys!!! [ I don't know if I'am posting this in the right forum topic, so if I'm not, please let me know ] To start with i want to say that i finally managed to Land on four Jool's moons and come back to Kerbin! I filmed everything and edited so you can look at the journey, which might inspire You to do awesome stuff in KSP! For this reason i created a youtube channel, in which i'll be landing on every single planet in KSP and be sharing it with You! So heres the Journey to Jool's moons videos. All necessary information in descriotions. Rockets made from STOCK parts only 1) TYLO and BACK 2) VALL, BOP, POL and BACK Leave a like on videos to show LOVE for KSP =)))
  18. Thaks for answering! I tested by adding more "dead mass" without fuel and... looks like Nuclear engine becomes better than LV-909 only at about 0.03 TWR... Thats not good enougt! So basicly i should always use LV-909 ? Btw, have you got any exaples, where nuclear is better than LV-909?
  19. Hi. I have noticed that nuclear engines "ISP" isnt working. They are not most effective engines. "kerbal engineer redux" mod showed me, that nuclear engines give way less delta-v than LV-909. I though this is mod error, so i tested it... I flew 2 similar space ships into orbit (140 km around kerbin) [ Mk1 comand pod + FL-T200 Fuel Tank + Engine ] with another rocket. Saved game (F5), then flew "prograde" with rocket from same point of space, same speed. (I quickloaded before i flew another one). And results are : Starting speed (orbit) : 2182 m/s Final speed with LV-909 - 3927 m/s Final speed with Nuclear - 2911 m/s This means that LV-909 is way better that nuclear. Is it just for me, or this is global bug? I though nuclear must be most efficient engines... with 800 ISP... and its not...
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