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Everything posted by Voridian

  1. Thank you all for your help, i ended up placing a service bay under the pod with the goo inside and using the LV-T45 engine coupled with the bigger winglets helped immeasurably. the amount of fuel i had ended up being just enough for a 100,000M orbit and a descent back. new aerodynamics certainly takes some getting used to Thanks again! Also i was quite limited because i havn't upgraded the launch pad yet so i could only have 18 tons and 30 parts, not enough for 4 Hammer's
  2. I haven't actually used the service bays yet, il give that a go, thanks. I think i am using Gimballed engines and i have been trying to stay as close as i can to the prograde. The problem with the winglets right now is that I'm in career mode and only have a couple of different ones unlocked, the bigger ones cause it to be too stable and i cannot actually perform a turn because it just wants to go strait up, maybe there is a good mix that i can unlock soon. Thanks
  3. Hi all, i know that similar things have been posted but this seems slightly different, since 1.0 every time i do a gravity turn (the gradual one NOT the one I used to do back in .90) my rocket will suddenly flip the opposite way that it was, as in it will be about 45 degrees Starboard and then go back upright and then go 45 degrees Port, it constantly happens at about 5000-10000M, if that doesn't happen then it will suddenly catapult upside down no matter how slow i perform the turn. The exact way i have been doing it as learned from YouTube; just after launch turn 5 degrees starboard and then slowly continue so that you hit 45 degrees at 10000M or so, i have tried with SAS on and off, RCS on and off as well as inline stabilization, and every combination i can think of, also i have tried to add fins but every ones except the smallest ones cause my rocket to be impossible to turn even slightly. Any help would be great, my current rocket design that i was just using to test this is linked below but i have tried a few others with the same result, also the mods i have are Mechjeb(not using it though), docking indicator, kerbal engineer, chatterer and alarm clock
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