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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. +1, Got the same problem. So its out for now and stutter is completely gone.
  2. You are right, im seeing this using only StageRecovery. At first i thought it was freezing every time i put a part on, since as you say thats where addons usually recalculate stuff, like Kerbal Engineer. However this happens statically, every 10 seconds. Anyway heres a log. I cleared it in advance so it the smallest size. https://www.dropbox.com/s/es7azlxsjt1ybmm/Player.log?dl=0 I fear that i'll have to record the problem, dont get me wrong, i will record it if it means finding a solution to this. Since your addon really is a must.
  3. Hey Magico, This is not a bug report, im just curious if you or anybody else have the same experience as me. Whats up with the huge cpu spikes every 5-10 seconds? Im running this on a low-end computer which pulls around 25 FPS with 200-part ship in VAB, every 10 or so seconds fps comes to a halt for around 1-4 sec. Is it possible for the you (Magico) to stop whatever check / loop running at least while in the VAB or increase the timer to say: 60 seconds?. edit: This goes without saying that im only running your mod, on a clean steam install.
  4. There are quite a few ways of achieving that mac OS X hides the menubar and/or dock. I've tried various (now unsupported) ways of achieving it, but alas this has to be hardcoded into the game, and recompiled.
  5. Unity 4.3 made a change in Mac Standalone Player: When in FullscreenWindow fullscreen, so there are 2 versions of "fullscreen" one with CMD+TAB, dock, menu autohidden and one which completely removes everything. Are we able to currently switch between these 2 modes, and if not i suggest we give the user the choice. A little background for this problem: When hovering your mouse at the top, mac osx title manu bar auto appears, which clutters and obstructs the ui of KSP. This also happends in 7D2D which in turn is also running on Unity engine, but 5.0 version however.
  6. Amazing! thats the word i would use to describe your mod. Anyway, i cannot continue the career until mod is updated, That is by no means criticism. It's probably the biggest compliment i can give your mod. Keep it up, patiently waiting for an update ^^
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