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Everything posted by alzorglub

  1. Everytime, in Kerbin or Mun orbit, on another vessel or not, even if I am on a ladder New video just for fun : https://vid.me/6Euv With other parts, they just disappear https://vid.me/AfKw Sometime the dock just stay in space near the kerbal.. i have only KER, Chatterer, and Hyperedit ..
  2. I have the same issue with multiple copies.. It seems that this happens when there is more than one docking port ? it might be wise to wait for a stable version of ksp that have 2 updates since his release
  3. When i drag and drop a part, i was kick in space vid :https://vid.me/vZ2c Maybe because KIS is for version 1.0 and ksp is 1.0.2 ?
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