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Everything posted by hipnox

  1. Right after buying the retail version, i tried my hand at making a KSP mod based on Retro-futurism / art deco style rockets. I made only a handful of parts (incomplete parts, no UVs/textures) before i dropped it. Mostly because browsing throught the mods list i found most mods here tend to be geared toward more "serious" space exploration. Also, the retro style of rockets don't work so well when multiple stages are involved. I might continue the mod if there's anyone interested in retro rockets. I also take suggestions. So, Yay or Nay?
  2. A SSTO that managed to dock on my 130km/130km Space Station. Currently deciding which Kerbal gets to try a reentry.
  3. I had rougly 100hrs on the KSP demo before i finally bought it. Also in the demo, i once sent Jeb to Kerbol and ran out of fuel just a few dozen m/s away from a collision. Jeb got out and using his entire jetpack and with no navball/sas assistance, he managed to "touchdown" kerbol (actually he burned up before that, but still counts)
  4. At my Kerbin Space Station, currently drawing straws with a bunch of other kerbals to decide which lucky ....... gets to drive my first 1.0.2 SSTO re-entry.
  5. I managed dock this on a 125/125 orbit space station. It weights 35 tons and can reach around 1440 m/s during ascent without burning up. Best Ascend profile was 45º until 10k, 20º until burnout, 45º again until reaching 125K to meet the station. Sadly it has no weight carrying capacity, it's just a space bus. now i need to see if it survives reentry. Thank god i remembered to add breaks.
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