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Everything posted by divad1978

  1. Regarding the erratic checking of mods and not showing up in ChangeSet. So I went back to CKAN and patiently selected each mod I wanted waiting patiently for the check mark instead of clicking numerous times when it seemed to not function. I also selected only 5-8 at a time. Only a couple times did I get an error about a mod not being downloaded but I just redid it and it worked. So I guess at this point I've successfully used CKAN to install all the mods I want and while it is definitely still behaving erratically I know just to be more patient with it when selecting a mod as it seems the issue with mods not showing up in ChangeSet starts occurring when I keep spam clicking a mod when the checkbox doesn't immediately appear. It's not a big concern to me anymore since I'll only be adding or removing one mod at a time from now on and everything else is just updating. I can still open the github at your request though. Thanks
  2. Been trying to use CKAN with no luck on Fedora Linux. My issues existed prior to the current CKAN build but after the post on Reddit about a new release I was hoping to see them go away. I've followed these instructions: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/wiki/Installing-CKAN-on-Fedora Plus the instructions under Note from the release page: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/releases Three issues: 1) Checking a box for a mod won't always respond and I have to click 3-6 times a lot 2) If I go through and check more than a few mods and click Changeset most of the mods selected won't show up to install. 3) When scrolling down a few mods if I then check a mod it will check more than one mod It's strange because I'll hover over the box I want to check after scrolling, click the box, then it seems like CKAN scrolls a few more lines making my cursor appear over another mod and the box for that one is checked as well as the mod I intended to check. Images for issue two: None of the below mods selected end up showing up in Changeset. In fact I probably have 35+ mods selected. I've noted this problem exist with much less though. Not sure if at all related but I do see this message on the terminal screen. Thanks. Really would love to get this tool working on my end as it's frustrating trying to manage 40+ mods. - - - Updated - - - I thought I'd test checking one Mod at a time and confirming ChangeSet and had the following experience. Checked [X] Science : it showed up Checked Action Groups Extended : it showed up Checked Actions Everywhere : it did not show up Unchecked Action Groups Extended : it went away Unchecked Actions Everywhere and then checked it again : it showed up this time Checked Alternate Resource Panel : it did not show up Checked Ambient Light Adjustment : it did not show up Unchecked [X] Science : it did not go away Unchecked and Rechecked Alternate Resource Panel : still doesn't show up I then clicked Clear on the Changeset tab and [X] Science still doesn't go away. I proceeded to click it a multitude of times out of frustration and then CKAN just actually aborts and closes with a stack dump to my terminal session. Thanks Just messing with it some more and I've noticed after a few seconds checking mods just becomes very slow and I have to wait instead of just clicking the mods I want real fast. If I click a mod and just wait 10 seconds the check mark will suddenly appear. I was able to go through and select about 15 different ones albeit very slowly and they all showed up in Changeset. Unfortunately when I went to click Install it seemed to be working for awhile downloading and then all of a sudden popped up an error: Failed to download "https://github.com/SirDiazo/AgExt/releases/download/1.32b/ActionGroupsExtended132b.zip" - error: 77 Anyways I'm done messing with it for now and just want to play some KSP. Any advise or requests for debug info please let me know. Thanks
  3. Ok my mistake was thinking I could just recover the science after returning to Kerbin. Thanks for all your work.
  4. I'm also having a similar issue but have applied the 1.0.3 update. Prior to 1.0.3 I couldn't even accept the orbital contracts. Now after getting 1.0.3 and accepting orbital contract for Magnetometer, Orbital Telescope, and Mystery Goo in Low Orbit around the Mun they aren't completing when I'm about 6000 meters above the Mun. It does say "Just above the Mun's <biome>" in the science report each time I perform one of them vs "low orbit from the mun". I tried finding where "Just above the Mun's <biome>" went away and it wasn't until I was about 60km out. Is this still broken or am I doing something wrong? Wouldn't think low orbit would be any closer.
  5. I'm also having a similar issue but have applied the 1.0.3 update. Prior to 1.0.3 I couldn't even accept the orbital contracts. Now after getting 1.0.3 and accepting orbital contract for Magnetometer, Orbital Telescope, and Mystery Goo in Low Orbit around the Mun they aren't completing when I'm about 6000 meters above the Mun. It does say "Just above the Mun's <biome>" in the science report each time I perform one of them vs "low orbit from the mun". I tried finding where "Just above the Mun's <biome>" went away and it wasn't until I was about 60km out. Is this still broken or am I doing something wrong? Wouldn't think low orbit would be any closer.
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