Been trying to use CKAN with no luck on Fedora Linux. My issues existed prior to the current CKAN build but after the post on Reddit about a new release I was hoping to see them go away. I've followed these instructions: Plus the instructions under Note from the release page: Three issues: 1) Checking a box for a mod won't always respond and I have to click 3-6 times a lot 2) If I go through and check more than a few mods and click Changeset most of the mods selected won't show up to install. 3) When scrolling down a few mods if I then check a mod it will check more than one mod It's strange because I'll hover over the box I want to check after scrolling, click the box, then it seems like CKAN scrolls a few more lines making my cursor appear over another mod and the box for that one is checked as well as the mod I intended to check. Images for issue two: None of the below mods selected end up showing up in Changeset. In fact I probably have 35+ mods selected. I've noted this problem exist with much less though. Not sure if at all related but I do see this message on the terminal screen. Thanks. Really would love to get this tool working on my end as it's frustrating trying to manage 40+ mods. - - - Updated - - - I thought I'd test checking one Mod at a time and confirming ChangeSet and had the following experience. Checked [X] Science : it showed up Checked Action Groups Extended : it showed up Checked Actions Everywhere : it did not show up Unchecked Action Groups Extended : it went away Unchecked Actions Everywhere and then checked it again : it showed up this time Checked Alternate Resource Panel : it did not show up Checked Ambient Light Adjustment : it did not show up Unchecked [X] Science : it did not go away Unchecked and Rechecked Alternate Resource Panel : still doesn't show up I then clicked Clear on the Changeset tab and [X] Science still doesn't go away. I proceeded to click it a multitude of times out of frustration and then CKAN just actually aborts and closes with a stack dump to my terminal session. Thanks Just messing with it some more and I've noticed after a few seconds checking mods just becomes very slow and I have to wait instead of just clicking the mods I want real fast. If I click a mod and just wait 10 seconds the check mark will suddenly appear. I was able to go through and select about 15 different ones albeit very slowly and they all showed up in Changeset. Unfortunately when I went to click Install it seemed to be working for awhile downloading and then all of a sudden popped up an error: Failed to download "" - error: 77 Anyways I'm done messing with it for now and just want to play some KSP. Any advise or requests for debug info please let me know. Thanks