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    Curious George
  1. Well, yeah, but I think that the objective here is to make a 10 ton shuttle that's landing on the unrealistically small Kerbin behave comparably to a 100 ton shuttle landing on Earth. A lot of people have looked at that gif and concluded that whatever the underlying reasons, that behavior looks silly and floaty. I absolutely agree that everyone needs to take a second and chill out - all this bitterness and salt are happening not in bad faith, but because we all love this game and don't want to feel like it's going in the wrong direction. The fact that there are some weird quirks with the 1.0.2 aero model means that it's very tempting to glom on to the "1.0.2 is STUPID and we HATE it" train if you're early on in the learning curve for the new model and haven't yet re-learned how to build stuff. BUT, we should not be dismissing the potentially legitimate concerns that people have about the soupy, unnatural feel of flying in the new atmosphere, as well as the seemingly excessive reduction to re-entry heating that came with this latest update. Simply waving away these concerns with a 'git gud scrub' does very little good. The adjusted model in the hotfix has made flying feel less realistic than the 1.0 model for a lot of people, and I think that the drag buff was just overdone in reaction to a community backlash. Personally, I felt that 1.0 was fine, so I would push for veering back towards that, but I understand the desire for a little more atmosoup to avoid putting off newer players with catastrophic reentry heating. As has already been remarked on this thread, I feel sure that Squad will look over this on Monday and try to find a middle ground that more elegantly achieves what they wanted to accomplish with the hotfix. Until then, yes, chill your chickadees, pacify your Paridae, and tranquilize your tits.
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