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Posts posted by Aelfhe1m

  1. 4 hours ago, hugoraider said:

    Oh damn, guess I'll have to add the required textures to the Buran folder then :D.

    The Tantares thread says "All rights reserved", so you'd need permission from Beale before bundling any of the old files (or you'll need to create your own textures from scratch).

  2. 2 hours ago, MashAndBangers said:

    Is anyone else having an issue with the OV-100B Payload Docking Adapter showing up without a texture?

    Some of the Tantares textures for Soyuz were updated in the latest release and the old files referenced by that part are no longer part of the currently shipping mod.

    You can fix by downloading an older version of Tantares, copying the necessary texture files to a personal patch folder inside GameData and then modifying the part config to point to those new file paths (either directly or with a ModuleManager patch).

    The relevant texture references are in GameData/BuranOrbiter/Parts/Buran_airlock.cfg at lines 39 to 43.

  3. @RenZocFN Looking at the log, it looks like the part switch on some of the Far Future Technologies parts are not finding one of the modules they're trying to affect. It would help to see a copy of your ModuleManager.ConfigCache from GameData to see what your mix of mods is defining for those parts as a first step to diagnosing what is being changed and then start hunting for the other mod that's changing it.

    Ignore me - just realised how old this thread is - should have checked that first

  4. Pathé News Thursday 4th August 1960

    nMhLVBV.jpeg“Test pilot Marguerite Laurent took Puck Aerospace’s Hawker Siddeley Experimental Space Plane for another spin in the skies above Kourou, French Guiana today. But rather than soaring up to the edges of space, the engineers wanted to stress test the plane’s performance at hypersonic speeds lower in the atmosphere. To this end, Mlle Laurent was asked to climb to just below 40,000 metres and then push the plane as fast as it would safely go.

    “While her suborbital flight last month had reached speeds of just over 2000 ms-1 while falling back into the atmosphere, this would be the first time anyone had attempted to fly for an extended period at such high speed and the control room was packed with engineers carefully monitoring the telemetry signals being sent back from sensors packed throughout the aircraft. Despite throttling the engines back to their minimum setting after levelling off at her cruising height and reaching the 2000 ms-1 target speed, the thin air at that altitude did little to impede the progress of the rocket plane and its speed continued to creep upwards as time ticked by. Nervously eyeing some of the temperature readouts from the nose and belly of the craft, the engineers finally asked her to cut the engines completely as the speed reached 2,176 ms-1 and allow the craft to slow a little before opening the throttle again. After three tense minutes, the engineers declared the test complete, and Mlle Laurent slowed and descended before gliding back to the runway for a textbook perfect landing.

    “Today’s flight achieved the last of the initially planned goals for the space plane testing programme, but after consultation between Puck Aerospace, Hawker Siddeley and their government backers, it has been decided to continue testing the plane to see just how far the pilots can push its speed and altitude performance.”

    Pathé News Tuesday 23rd August 1960

    QsWuyjs.jpeg“Puck Aerospace test pilot Madame Arlette Bertrand continued her friendly competition with fellow pilot Mademoiselle Marguerite Laurent, by breaking her altitude record from two months ago. During her fourteen-minute flight today, Mdme Bertrand climbed to an amazing 111,606 metres above the Atlantic Ocean off the French Guianan coast. After falling back almost to the surface, Mdme Bertrand lit her rocket engines for a second time and pulled her plane into another climb, although she only had enough fuel to reach a little over 55 kilometres altitude on this additional ascent. With no fuel left in the tanks, all that remained was for her to glide the plane back towards the runway at Kourou for yet another safe touchdown and collect her astronaut wings as the second ever person to fly into space.”

    Pathé News Monday 12th September 1960

    “After having her altitude record broken by her teammate, Madame Arlette Bertrand, last month, Mademoiselle Marguerite Laurent was determined to prove herself during her flight in the Hawker Siddeley experimental rocket plane from Puck Aerospace’s facilities in Kourou, French Guiana, today. Pushing the plane higher than ever before, Mlle Laurent soared to a staggering 120,854 metres above the Atlantic.

    “There was a moment of high drama on the descent however, as the extreme accelerations experienced while pulling out of her dive, caused Mlle Laurent to black out very briefly. Fortunately, she recovered almost immediately and was able to regain control of her plane and bring it safely back to the runway. While no harm came as a result of today’s scare, management has decided to call a halt to high altitude testing for the time being.”

    Pathé News Thursday 20th October 1960

    “After an unsuccessful launch attempt in June, Puck Aerospace were once again trying to send a satellite into a polar orbit around the Earth today. This time, the launch of the Lycan rocket proceeded without a hitch and the small solar powered satellite was placed in a 192 by 3,768-kilometre orbit that would repeatedly take it almost over the north and south poles during its two-hour trip around the Earth. The satellite’s onboard television camera will be transmitting images of most of the Earth’s surface over the next several months as it circles around and around the planet.”

    Pathé News Saturday 31st December 1960

    LT33AIE.png“In his now traditional Hogmanay speech to staff and guests at Puck Aerospace’s headquarters in Kourou, French Guiana, Mr Peadar Kincaid praised the staff on achieving several notable milestones during the past year. While also calling attention to the behind the scenes work of the many researchers, engineers and other staff of the company, he highlighted the awarding of astronaut wings to both test pilots, Mademoiselle Marguerite Laurent and Madame Arlette Bertrand, by the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) for their rocket plane flights to more than 100 kilometres above the Earth. He finished his speech by toasting all present and stating that he was looking forward to seeing what they could achieve in the new year.”


    Gameplay notes and screenshots


    4 Aug 60: XSP-01 Marguerite. X-Planes hypersonic. Max speed 2176m/s at 39500 m. This completes all necessary X-Planes contracts, but I want to more suborbital contracts (+30 rep, +143 conf) to get a bit more science before I close it out and collect the huge reputation boost (would be +606.6 at present).







    23 Aug 60: X-planes suborbital (110km), Arlette. Peak alt: 111,606 m. After falling from apoapsis, re-lit engines to climb above 40km for little extra science. 2.1 High altitude science. One more flight should finish HA science (completion bonus has dropped to 599.8 but suborbital 120km contract is worth another +30, +9 [+143 conf] so should be worth delaying a few more weeks)







    12 Sep 60: X-Planes suborbital (120km), Marguerite. 120,854m, Marguerite blacked out briefly due to high g-forces when pulling out of descent. HA flight science completed.







    20 Oct 60: Lycan I XG-3 Hypatia to polar orbit for science. Orbit 192 x 3768 @ 85.0°.









    AI generated images









  5. GameData\KerbalKonstructs\MapDecalMaps\SquarePlateauSloped.png is your basic tapered plateau. If you combined a couple of those in a graphics editor, adjusting the brightness of one to make it "lower" and then drew a gradient fill from one to the other that would probably make a good starting point.

    Perhaps something like this?


  6. I like the launch ramp!

    You might want to make a custom height map to add support below the ramp and to taper off the edges of your plateaus. Very high vertical rock formations aren't exactly structurally sound after all. Use white for the upper end of the ramp, a lighter grey for the main plateau, gradient fill for the ramp and another gradient to blend the edges of the whole thing down to black.

  7. 5 hours ago, Taco Salad said:

    For some reason the smelters demand I construct a dyson sphere. I've checked the configs and they look normal enough, I have ZERO clue why they draw this much power when making metal. It's not just in the VAB, they suck that much power in actual use.

    The EC values come from ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads/Resources/ECSmelter.cfg. There's an explanation in the config as to why it uses the settings it does.

    There's also a patch at WildBlueIndustries/Sandcastle/Patches/ECSmelterClassic.cfg that tries to adjust the value, but it just adds an extra config node rather than modifying the existing one. 

    Modifying the patch as follows or adding the following patch to your own patch folder would apply the intended settings:

    // Classic Stock Resources version of ECSmelter by Taniwha
    // License: GPLV3
    	// Smelter uses electricity for heating instead of LFO combustion.  Liquid
    	// fuel is mixed with metal ore to remove O3. The resulting reaction
    	// produces metal (Fe) along with water (H20) and carbon dioxide (C02).
    	// From existing EL recipes:
    	// LiquidFuel is assumed to be RP-1 which is further assumed to be C12H16
    	// and thus is 160.25544g/mol
    	// MetalOre is assumed to be hematite (Fe2O3) which is 159.6882g/mol
    	// Metal is Iron (Fe) 55.845g/mol
    	// Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 44.0095g/mol
    	// Water (H2O) 18.01528g/mol.
    	// This gives the following reaction:
    	//   32Fe203 + 3C12H16 = 64FE + 24H20 + 36C02
    	// With the following masses:
    	// Input:
    	//     Fe2O3 = 5110.022g
    	//     C12H16 = 480.7663
    	// Output:
    	//     FE  = 3574.08g
    	//     H2O = 432.3667g
    	//     CO2 = 1584.342g
    	// Total Mass (in & out) = 5590.789 (Used for EC rate)
    	// From wikipedia Electric Arc Furnace uses 440 kWh per ton per hour
    	//   440kWh = (440,000w/hour)/(1,000,000g/hour) = 0.44w/g
    	//  1 EC assumed to be 1 watt, NFE uses 1 EC/s = 1000w. But this seems to
    	//  to be a really low power consumption.
    	//   440kw/hour = 122.222 watt/s (use for scaling rate in part definition)
    	//   Use Rate in EL_Converter definition of part to fine tune.
    		@efficiency = 1.0
    		@ElectricCharge = 0.002459947 // 0.005590789*0.44
    		@MetalOre = 0.005110022
    		@LiquidFuel = 0.000480766
    		@efficiency = 1.0
    		@Metal = 0.00357408
    		@GrayWater *= 0.000432367
    		@Slag *= 0.001584342
    	// Remelter is simpler just consume EC at 0.44 EC/g
    		@efficiency = 1
    		@ElectricCharge = 0.00044
    		@ScrapMetal = 0.001
    		@efficiency = 1
    		@Metal = 0.001




  8. 3 hours ago, Hotel26 said:

    Returning to the surface requires something like a half fuel-load, which means that a failed ascent is going to be fatal -- unless some solid booster emergency system can reliably give the crew sections a final "kick".

    You might also try placing a decoupler below the crew section (and parachutes/heatshield) for emergencies. You'd lose the rest of the craft but the crew would survive and could be rescued from the surface using some sort of prop powered plane/VTOL or rover.

  9. 13 hours ago, Anas Alajati said:

    I am trying to write code that would automatically make the rocket go into the orbit, I am basically working on an automated control system for the rocket.  I am able to write code that would do that using autopilots in kOS. However, I want to have more control and change the directions of the gimbals instead of doing so with just SET functions is there any way to do so, since in the kOS documentation values for Gimbal controls are GET only

    I don't think this is possible with the stock gimbal module but I did find this mod that looks like it might provide what you're looking for.


  10. 45 minutes ago, Vesuvius said:

    I recently downloaded the mod Silverwolf Aerospace and its part textures are nearly entirely grey, excluding windows and small details, i'm wondering how to fix this and if anyone can help with this.

    It's  a very old mod. If the textures are stored in DDS format then it's possible that they are in the wrong version of DDS. Back in KSP v.1.8.0 there was a switch made to only support the DXT5 variant, but some old mods had been saving their textures in DXT3.

    Since Silverwolf Aerospace is licensed All Rights Reserved, nobody can legally distribute updated versions, but you can make get the mod working  on your own PC by modifying your own downloaded copies - provided you don't redistribute any of the files.

    This can be fixed by opening each dds file in an appropriate graphics editor (e.g. Paint.net on Windows, GIMP or Photoshop - may require a plugin for DDS support) and resaving in the correct format [BC3 (linear, DXT5)].

  11. In RO, MechJeb ascent guidance works better with primer vector guidance (PVG) rather than the classic ascent guidance. For early rockets you generally don't have any coast phases (which classic relies on) but PVG is designed to handle continuous burn to orbit and in the recent versions can even handle unguided SRB kick stages.

    For example, this is the first orbital rocket I used in my latest save. It has a RD-102 first stage, XLR-11 second stage and two GCRC kick stages. With the MechJeb settings shown in the image, it flies itself to orbit (provided test flight doesn't fail an engine).


  12. Here's a very quick (and horridly handling) aircraft I slapped together.



    As you can see four Goliaths are enough to push that plane body to over 10km (even with 80+ kerbals on board) but it could do with more wing incidence as it needed to hold nose up to get enough lift and the wings are frankly about half the size I'd want for that size of craft.




  13. 10 hours ago, Space_Coyote said:

    Well I have an issue with B9 Parts switch and am sending in the Log to figure out why this is throwing up errors (As it seems to dead with an issue with something called "LFOX" but I'm Wondering what the issue is.


    Log: https://www.mediafire.com/file/014dhbesnvm9rkv/KSP.log/file


    So I'm trying to figure out what "LFox" is. 




    But here's the Log: 

    Since you have both Near Future Construction and Near Future Launch Vehicles but not CryoTanks, the LFOX (Liquid Fuel + Oxidizer) tank type should be being supplied by GameData/NearFutureConstruction/Patches/NFConstructionFuelTankTypes.cfg but I don't see it in your log.


  14. 33 minutes ago, AerospaceBricks said:

    Hello I am having trouble writing a config file for an engine in rocket motor menagerie. What i would like to do is increase the thrust and its subtype as well. But I just can't seem to get it to work. The config file is in a separate mod called Myconfigs with a folder inside it called Patches and the config is in that folder. I would appreciate any help. I have attached the config at the bottom.                                    

    You need to match the name of the descriptionDetail field in the patch and correctly nest the maxThrust field. Then since you're applying the same change to all the subtypes you can use ,* to match them all provided you add a has clause to identify the correct B9PartSwitch.

    Here's the modified patch (untested):

    			@descriptionDetail = <b>Thrust:</b> 1962 kN ASL / 2421 kN Vac.\n<b Isp:</b> 368 s ASL / 454 s Vac.
    					@maxThrust = 2421 // kN


  15. 22 minutes ago, rhZhao said:

    Here is a question or a bug report. 

    Launch site selection is not functioning. 

    I installed RO and RP-1 on a clean KSP1.12.3 version, using CKAN RP-1 express installation method. I chose a different launch site other than US-Cape Canaveal, and I used KK to create a new local instance, a launchpad beside the default one, but in VAB it just didnt show this launch pad, instead, i got all the NASA cape canaveral launch pads avaible for open even my launch center is selected in different location and when I press launch, it took the vessel to the location of my choice, just default KSP launch site.

    Make sure that when editing a Launch Site in KK edit mode you set the launch site type to VAB and the category to Rocket Pad (RP). Any other values and they won't show up in the "locations" button selector window in KCT.

    [or you can manually set the "LaunchSiteType = VAB" and "Category = RocketPad" lines inside the config file with the static instance for that pad (if you haven't moved it, it will be in GameData/KerbalKonstructs/NewInstances.

  16. For in depth video tutorials about KSP stock aerodynamics check out Kerbal University by Lt_Duckweed.

    The various aerodynamic information can be enabled through the Mod+F12 "cheat" menu (mod = Alt on Windows), Physics => Aero.



    For a more visual representation of how much drag (red arrows) or lift (blue/yellow arrows) each part is generating press F12.


  17. 1 hour ago, RunaDacino said:

    I think it might be either Airplane Plus, Mark IV Spaceplane , Mk2.5 Spaceplane Parts, Mk-X Spaceplane Parts or OPT spaceplane that breaks things, as those are the ones I mass added. It's pretty late at night so I didn't test to find which broke it.

    It looks like a rogue mod is using a patch with :FOR[AJE] instead of :NEEDS[AJE] (or you have an leftover/empty directory called AJE in your GameData).

    You can find which mod is responsible by searching <KSP>/Logs/ModuleManager/ModuleManager.log for ":FOR[AJE]"

  18. There's a number of decent tutorials on YouTube. Try this playlist by Carnasa it includes the first two.

    Raiz Space's sandbox video series also explores a lot of advanced topics.

    For falcon 9/heavy booster landings you'll probably want an extra mod - either BoosterGuidance or KOS. If you go fully expendable then F9Heavy can send an unmanned probe to Moon/Mars.

    Most manned Mars missions need a lot of launches with assembly in orbit or very heavy launchers (e.g. Sea Dragon or Starship can reduce the number of launches needed) or you can really overbuild for single launch missions (Carnasa has some insane videos of stacked Saturn Vs last segment has a Saturn V in orbit of Pluto!)  

  19. How high a plane can get essentially depends on its lift to drag ratio. To go higher you need more lift or less drag.

    You get more lift from more speed or more wing area (angle of incidence/attack also matters for lift).

    Drag reduces speed (and hence lift), so adjusting wing incidence so that the plane body is as close to horizontal when cruising will improve your lift/drag ratio. The long body surface of a passenger plane can generate a lot of drag if it's not facing directly into the airflow.

    Also check your engines are getting enough air. Might need larger/extra intakes to fly at high altitude. Thrust will decrease if engines are starved of air, which will slow the speed and hence reduce lift.

  20. In VAB:

    • Shift + Mouse wheel: camera zoom in/out.
    • Mouse wheel : camera up/down
    • Hold down wheel button for pan

    In SPH:

    • Mouse wheel: camera zoom in/out.
    • Shift + Mouse wheel : camera up/down
    • Hold down wheel button for pan

    Almost all KSP key bindings can be changed from the settings menu available when you first load the game but before loading a save.


  21. All fuel tanks can accept lead ballast, so you could add the ballast to the same tank as the sounding rocket payload (adjusting size and utilisation to fit).

    And yes batteries (especially in the early game) are heavy in RO, so adding extra battery capacity to the avionics nose cone would also make the nose heavier. The downside is that battery capacity is more expensive than lead ballast, although as it's further forward, less mass is needed.

  22. Nothing obviously wrong in the picture.

    Click through blocker can prevent key presses registering when your mouse is over a window or dialog. Try clicking somewhere on the background (e.g. the sky) then pressing Z for full throttle.

    You also don't need the MechJeb ascent guidance autopilot for sounding rockets since they are uncontrolled. Usually you just press Z for throttle, then space then space again after the solid rocket motor burns out.

  23. 3 hours ago, J534 said:

    Am I imagining things? I swear I remember stumbling upon some kind of large diagram or flow chart for rational resources somewhere in this thread. Maybe I'm getting it confused with something else?

    Not sure it's the diagrams you're thinking of, but there are several diagrams for resource recipes in the wiki which is linked from the opening post of this thread.

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