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    Curious George
  1. Plus, any prolonged burn causes everything to overheat and explode.
  2. I see the problem now and kind of know how to fix it. I stacked two of the super jumbo tanks (drained of oxidizer) and got a much better delta v than what could be accomplished with the LV-909. But this is still a problem. Right now I am trying to build a good rocket to get to the Jool system and back. All my previous designs in .90 were very compact things with one or two LV-Ns. Huge rockets tend to be unstable in 4x time warp and I am not wanting to wait the 2 full hours it takes for a burn.
  3. I have done a lot of playing around, and have noticed that the atomic engine in 1.0 seems to be way less efficient than it was in previous versions. Even though it no longer needs oxidiser, it produces less than half the delta v of the LV-909 engine (the next most efficient engine in the game). I have done all sorts of experiments and there is no doubt this is the case. This doesn't really make sense since it still has the highest Isp. What happened to it? Are there plans to rectify this issue? If not, what can be done to fix this?
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