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  1. This may be sign of faulty memory chips, especially if it's new machine.
  2. Thanks a lot guys, I found a lot of wisdom here! I'm back to PC then and try to get successful trip to Minimus and back as my first large milestone this time. That is so true
  3. Sorry for the little click bait title I don't mean get back to Kerbin, but rather to KSP. A bit of background. I bought this game just before 1.0 launched and played shortly after but for some reason it didn't "click". I was able to get to the orbit and around Mun but struggled with rendezvous and landing on Mun without killing everyone or with ability to launch again. I also played full campaign only and struggled with money and science to unlock better parts. So I stoped playing. Now that KSP is available on xbox I ask myself every day "should I get it?". I'm more console player and even on PC didn't play with mods so that's not an issue. I'm asking for opinions how KSP changed during last year and if it's worth getting on xbox if I own PC version? Or should I get back to PC and give it second chance?
  4. 300 m/s may be overkill. I usually deploy slightly above 500 m/s, but below 800 m/s should also be fine. However I wait until capsule stop "burning" in atmosphere.
  5. The top button on NavBall changes display of your velocity and it may say "no target" if you don't have any... well target (like other vessel to dock). The default key binding for SAS is 'T' that I think is the only way to enable it.
  6. As others said it's efficiency, not abuse. Would it change anything if you used 3-4 relatively cheep vessels to complete all those missions? You would still complete them within budget and probably it wouldn't take you much longer. Even "lost of control" wouldn't change much if the same design could be used for all of this. Now, my point is - you can do in ONCE. If I understand correctly (I'm still new to this game) you won't get the same contracts to Mun and Minimus again. And for other astral bodies you will need to plan differently to accomplish similar achievement. It definitely would be abuse if you could do it over and over to raise funds and science.
  7. Seriously? Did this guy even try it? Actually I think he did I bought this game few days ago, complete 2 first tutorials (launch and going to orbit) and jumped to career. Well... it IS hard to build a rocket capable to reach 70k with when you can buy only one new tech and you don't have much idea of what is "better" or "easier". So... challenging? Absolutely! Is it bad? Absolutely not!
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