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Everything posted by Hybirdman

  1. Hello guys, this may seem unprofessional. I am having an issue with this mod pack where I keep getting stuttering during any sort of launch that has releases a lot of smoke. This only occurs in atmospheres when there is smoke. Even after I stop the engines, and the smoke is still there, I am getting fps drops. I assume this is an issue with Smokescreen. Perhaps my i5-4440 is not enough to withstand those smoke trails, but I doubt it. Also I am using a GTX 970, and I really doubt that the issue is from my hardware. I've been searching for a fix in the mod's thread, but considering that Realism Overhaul uses its own .cfg files, which I have no clue how to mess around with, I hope someone can help me out in here. Thanks for your efforts.
  2. Where the hell can I donate? I've been looking for such mod for a long time, and finally I found one. Do you accept donations, OP?
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