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  1. Ok, now I see what you guys meant with the use of decouplers. Sorry to be a bit slow on the uptake there and thanks for enlightening me. Even though I really dont like that feature then, but thats my personal opinion and nothing that needs discoussing here. So I guess it was intended after all
  2. I think you don't see the problem. I know that it is intended for the fuel to be drained equally from all tanks, but you can't stop that from happening with decouplers. I've tried. As you see in the picture it the side tanks are only connected by structural pylons and struts which have no fuel crossfeed. I don't think it is intended for fuel to pass through parts that have the line "no fuel crossfeed" in their description.
  3. I have been experiencing the same thing. It seems like every single part on a Spaceplane has fuel crossfeed. When I use a jet engine it drains the fuel equally out of every single tank on the plane, regardless how the tank is connected to the engine thats running. At first I thought this might be intended, because I had the tanks next to the one that the engine was supposed to run of, but it always does that, no matter with what you have connected the extra tanks. Now I have the tanks connected with structural pylons where the description clearly states "no fuel crossfeed" and it still drains the liquid fuel out of those tanks. And to make this a proper Bug Report: KSP Version: 1.0.2 (Steam) System: Windows 7 64 Bit Screenshot: Edit: at least for me the image does not seem to show, so if thats the case use this http://imgur.com/TjbXwyn I think that this is a specific issue just for spaceplanes and crafts from the SPH. No crash reports to be had and I don't think that the system specs are of any use here. And last I just want to say, that I don't want to sound like I'm just a complainer, because KSP and the 1.0 release have been awsome. Thanks for that great game!
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