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  1. So I upgraded my PC recently, and moved save files to a new clean install of Win7 and KSP. Now when I load my save and enter the VAB, the parts list appears but the categories to the left of the parts are missing, and whenever a part is selected it just jumps to the center of the floor. Parts on existing craft cannot be selected. This occurs with and without mods. Here's the odd bit: if I load a new career save, everything works correctly, and if I load my old save afterwards, everything works! Now if I load the old save first on booting up KSP, the vab will break, and will also be broken in the NEW save if I switch save files without restarting the game. I guess this is technically a workaround, but it's a pain in the backside to have to load two save files every time I start the game. Does anyone have any thoughts?
  2. The debris filter was what I was missing, thanks! Just as a side note, I've had good luck with deploying the parachutes in staging simultaneously with the decouplers, but raising the deployment pressure to maximum so they don't deploy at 25,000m and burn up.
  3. Just wondering if there is any provision to recover stages which fall within draw distance of the recovery site of your manned capsule? Ex: On a particular rocket I jettison the final power stage of my capsule after my reentry burn, and it typically reenters and splashes down within 20km of the command module. I recover the command module, and the "spacecraft debris" is lost without being recovered. Am I doing something obvious wrong here?
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