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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. yup, While MechJeb also has a node editor, I just prefer PN, Keyboard shortcuts make a world of difference in usability.
  2. I have a problem with the packaging of your mod. You've included Firespitter.dll in your plugins directory instead of in the [correct] /GameData/Firespitter/Plugins/Firespitter.DLL location. If you're going to packing in DLLs from other mods please keep them in the original mods location. Firespitter updated and having two versions of the DLL causes issues.
  3. Bit Fiddler, what mods are you using, I don't recognize half the icons in your toolbars.
  4. I'm loving the design of these parts, and i'm looking forward to seeing them textured. I'll be following the thread, looking for updates. Keep up the good work
  5. This doesn't solve the problem but does shove it under a rug for another day: Have you tried using the StockPlugins ModuleManager configs? it's not updated but has been working fine for me (i only extracted the StockMJ folder though). Instead of adding a part to your craft it adds the MechJeb functionality to all command modules. I don't think it's cheaty as it still respects the same R&D requirements MechJeb does, but does help reduce part load on your crafts.
  6. Yup, I was surprised as well when I saw the update. Haven't had time to check out the new landing gear that were added at the same time, but looks sweet. Thanks for the update BahamutoD.
  7. It would be a shame to see this die. I can easily update the node definitions on the parts and do the config edits to be able to load the parts in game... but if the animations or functionality come from a broken DLL... well I'd need source code to look at to even think about trying to support it. Baha is still active in the forums, and recently updated some of his other parts packs, so for now I'm content to wait and see if he'll come back to these parts. Maybe the DLL from Adjustable Landing Gear will work with Dockable Fairing? I'll throw up a quick test jig and report back. Edit: All the parts seem to work*, animations seem to be using stock animation module, no dependencies. *I did have to fix some of the node_stack_bottom configurations to account for KSP 1.0.2's strict node orientation. Also ABZB's post a few pages ago regarding DRE functionality would be a good addition for those that plan to use DRE in their 1.0.x games.
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