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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Next:The cargo module to go with the [glow=red,2,300]Nostromo[/glow]
  2. For the 2nd image, what are the names of the mods that the middle and far right vehicle from?
  3. It would be better to use project firelark instead of the omnipotent bertha engine.
  4. If so then when will it be available?
  5. It appears that the PLF and LEM downloads are not functioning correctly, each time i try to open the downloaded files, computer says that the zip file is corrupted...
  6. When will you post the Ausevir\'s .craft file? I would love to fly a proper spaceplane in ksp for once... all the ones i try to make end up crashing or-... -sigh- well just crashing
  7. it appears that there is no download link, or link to attached file...
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