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Everything posted by Meebling

  1. Good afternoon all. This problem popped up literally out of nowhere for me. The game loads up and runs as normal until I select a ship from the tracking station. The only things to load are the UI which continues to run as normal and an empty sky box. There are no other objects displayed, no ships, no moons, no Kerbin and no Kerbol. Switching to map view changes the UI as normal but causes the game to drop to around 1fps again with nothing displayed on the screen other than an empty sky box. The log just keeps repeating "look rotation viewing vector is zero". Giving a command such as throttle causes the screen to go black until the command is stopped. I downloaded all the updates for the mods I use and the game ran fine for about an hour until the problem cropped up. The mods I use common to the OP are; MagicSmokeIndustries Protractor SCANsat Trigger Tech Like raffopazzo I do not use Laser Mod.
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