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  1. They are all intact, resting about 20m beneath the surface. But I cannot access any controls or EVA (I wouldnt want to anyway, seems like a bad idea). They were fine a little while back. How can I get them back above the surface?
  2. Please forgive me, as I am a moron, but how are fuel ducts on everyone's list? I tried googling how to use them and only came up with asparagus staging and a video that is 4 years old. How do you use them? EDIT: I understand HOW to use them, I just dont see the trick in using them. How do they improve your range?
  3. Hi there, new here. I get a little .... about having perfectly circular orbits, and it drives me a little batty that I cant select the precise point of apoapsis or periapsis on my orbit path to place a node. OR CAN I AND I DONT KNOW ABOUT IT? I have looked around, and cant find any information on this. Is there a way to select the AP or PE points precisely instead of eyeballing it? Thanks!
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