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Everything posted by Jongy

  1. Lol thanks for the dropbox link, might be easier then going through every mod that was on the website to find the Foundries one. Thanks!
  2. Here I found out where to download it from Go to Kerbalstuff.com and in the last paragraph of his letter saying that he is no longer going to work on the website there is a torrent link to all the mods that were on the website. I used it to get the mod. https://kerbalstuff.com/KerbalStuff.torrent
  3. I am trying to download the Kerbal Foundries mod but the website that you download it on (Kerbalstuff) seems to be down. Is there any other locations for me to download it from? Thanks.
  4. great thanks! - - - Updated - - - great thanks! oh, and sorry for seeming so helpless, but what should I do with this file, should I put it in the my original save folder in the game file and load it up?
  5. how do i upload something to a dropbox? and how do i find that dropbox? - - - Updated - - - Okay I figured it out, here is the link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/eis8q7uhnji8j9z/AADdpghUSt_a6VMk2pfx0RfSa?dl=0
  6. I would prefer not to restart a new career save, how would I check the write permissions?
  7. When I try to open the game file, this is shown http://imgur.com/vI2I0mc In this view I cannot do anything at all. I have Kerbal Engineer installed, but the problem was still there before I had it installed. I have to restart KSP multiple times (more than 5 times) to get it to go back to the normal view.
  8. My reputation is 22%, im not sure if thats bad or if thats good. If it is bad, how can i improve it?
  9. Has that been proved to work? It is worth a try though. Does anyone else have any other suggestions?
  10. I have complete all the contracts from the Kerbal Space Program agency, even the ones to fly by the moon, do i need to delete the old ones from the completed section? I have no active ones because I have no available ones
  11. I have completed all the contracts from the Kerbal Space Program Agent, and I no longer can see any more contracts, did I complete them all and I need to let them respawn (it has been 4 days) or is this a bug? How do you make it able for you do complete contracts from different agents?
  12. The title says it all. I have completed all the available missions, even the one to do a flyby of the moon, and no more are respawning. It might be a buy, but I could only see contracts from the Kerbal Space Program agent. if it is a bug, what can I do to fix it? Thanks, Jongy
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