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  1. Here's a link for the save: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/k2h3lfwyk2su0ed/AAD3YaZHpTPv-ZqVT_gTfqSWa?dl=0
  2. I removed all my mods then put them back one by one and didn't happen at all. I validated ksp and had some files missing and that fixed it so maybe my game was corrupted. And it happens to be my save it worked fine on new saves but the one I was using turns out to be broken.
  3. After I removed most of my mods if I semi deploy then fully deploy it wont ping of into space.
  4. I found a bug and managed to do it over and over. If you fully deploy the parachute it sends you of to space at least for me. Link to a video of it:
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