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  1. Thanks for all the help! Over the last few hours I've worked out a lot of what you guys have been saying from experimentation - I spun from a mixture of too much Delta-V and not enough fins, plus that thing wasn't powerful enough anyway. I've noticed that SaS has little effect, I think because that setup has rigid fins (they don't move when I change pitch/yaw/roll) and the engine has no vectoring. Am I right in saying this or am I missing something? One more question, can someone explain why this is the case: I'm guessing my CoT should be nearer the bottom of the rocket, and the CoM near the middle? Again, why?
  2. Is there a recommended location to stick an antenna to stop it causing drag problems?
  3. Can someone please tell me where my launch config is going wrong? I'm in science mode and only have the first two techs unlocked, so my items are limited. This setup flies fine until I eject the solid fuel stage (runs out around 4000m) - at that stage it starts spinning out of control. I've also tried it with two solid fuel stages and a decoupler, as soon as the first is ejected control is lost. At this stage I'm just aiming to get into space. Launch config (bottom to top): Rt-10 solid fuel booster with two basic fins Decoupler LV-T30 Liquid fuel engine FL-T100 fuel tank Cockpit Chute SAS is enabled from launch. Any help?
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