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Everything posted by jamarino

  1. First time posting on this forum. I ended up posting twice, since the first post didn't appear (I figured it was awaiting approval, but couldn't confirm anywhere). Sorry for confusing you All parts were launched after I accepted the mission. When I first arrived at the asteroid the criteria was met, but it went grey after I added the claw module :/ I suspected the same thing and checked right away, but that was not the case :/ Thanks for the suggestion though
  2. The station was build after the fact. When I first arrived at the asteroid, the requirement was fulfilled. It went back to being unfulfilled after I attached the claw module and connected with the asteroid :/ Thanks for the tip
  3. Lately I've been burning a lot of fuel trying to complete a mission. I was contracted to build an 11-kerbal capacity space station, and place it in solar orbit along a class E asteroid. I went ahead and build my biggest space station yet, put it in the sky, did a low-orbit refuel and finally broke free from Kerbin. Once I had synced up with my chosen asteroid, I realized something was off. All requirements for the contract were fulfilled, except for one. I needed to stick the station onto the asteroid, and I hadn't brought a claw.. When I finally regained motivation, I build an unmanned claw capable of docking the station and sticking it to the asteroid. It went better than I had hoped for! However.. My contractee seems dissatisfied. They agree that I have now fulfilled the missing requirement, but at the same time they have revoked satisfaction on another requirement.. See for yourself: I've tried undocking the second half of the claw (the white tank + engine facing the camera), thus leaving an open docking port. But still, they won't pay up Any tips or similar experiences? Regards, Jonathan
  4. Hello everyone! So lately I've been working on a longer mission, to build an 11-kerbal capacity orbital station to meet with an E-class asteroid. This is the first time I've done a mission of this kind, so I went all out and took off. However, once I reached the asteroid I came to realize that something was missing. All mission requirements were met, except for one. "Build the facility into a newly discovered class E asteroid". I managed (and this part I'm quite proud of) to build an unmanned claw capable of docking with the station, and then claw the station onto the asteroid. And voilá! I now satisfied the last requirement! But wait... ! For some unknown reason, one of the requirements that were satisfied before, have now been undone.. Have a look.. I've tried disconnecting the second part of the claw (white tank + engine facing camera), thus leaving one open docking port. But no luck.. Any hints or similar experiences? Regards, Jonathan
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