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Everything posted by necKros

  1. You mean I won't have to panic in blind reentries and deploy the chutes at 10km?
  2. Hey, I'm releasing this small texture pack I announced one year ago (dang, time flies). I'm actually releasing the psd too, so you can make your own custom versions of these heads (the layers are almost ordered). I have to say the UVs are a big wonky, since I never managed to ged my hands on the actual UV map of the (then) new female head. Luckily seams are on the back of the head and aren't very noticeable. I haven't played much 1.1, but I just tested them and they look fine. Well, here's the link, you can add it to any compilation or listing you wish: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/75a5d5lcphugybq/AAAJsCaDuQaG-HOQUeb4pHi7a?dl=0
  3. This kind of vertex animation should be solved with blendspaces. Apparently you need a bone for Unity to root the animation to it. I gotta run now so I can't elaborate, but there's been some discussion about it around here (search for blend space or blendspace).
  4. Con su baja gravedad y atmósfera Duna es un buen lugar para llevar a cabo políticas ISRU orientadas a repostar vehículos en órbita, mejor que Ike incluso al ahorrarte las transferencias lunares. Cualquier patata es capaz de alcanzar velocidad orbital en Duna, y es divertido construir una base minera en la superficie, procesar el combustible y subirlo a LDO mediante skycranes o algo similar (si el vehículo es capaz de vuelo atmosférico mejor). En mi carrera actual estoy empezando un programa para montar esta cadena de producción y distribución de fuel. Laythe sería la versión hardcore de esto.
  5. So I've been enjoying my FASA career, and now that I've progressed to modern-ish tech I've decided to update the logo. I thought someone might like it aswell: Game ready flag:
  6. I'm still finishing them! I'm not sure where's the right place to release them though.
  7. Some progress, with that redhead texture someone requested.
  8. Change reflections from real to static in TR window while you are building and you won't have these issues.
  9. Oops, I just noticed I hadn't updated to 2.4.3 in that installation. Thanks for the heads up.
  10. Hello, texture modder here. I've been working on some new female heads, but I'm running into some problems with the unwrapping. Does anyone have a UV map of it? The problem is the teeth area is too close to a region around the ponytail, and I can't figure the boundaries of it. Pictures below:
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