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Everything posted by Dmitrik

  1. Is it possible to get all that directly from engineer, without stealing code? I understand - it`s unpleasant to be dependant on others plugins, but it will save so much time.
  2. I was hoping that it`s some kind of undocumented feature, or such obvious thing that is not worth documenting. It`s a pity. It seems that telemachus is not helpful eather - no mass and no thrust. Maybe there are some other sources for that kind of data? kOs seems like can give much more. Or it will be easier to make a branch of this fine plugin?
  3. 2zitronen: Hi! your plugin is awesome. I`m doing my own hardware controller too, and looks like you saved a ton of my time. I would like to make a powered landing helper, that would show me when it`s time to start suicide burn. And take-off helper, that wil show me how far I`m from terminal velocity. For those I need a TWR, or even better - current thrust and mass of a vessel. Is it possible to get that kind of data through your plugin?
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