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Kevin Wing

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Everything posted by Kevin Wing

  1. I had a similar problem before. What I did to work around was to turn on physics warp to 4x before I staged the fairing. Then it blasted the fairing out with such force it didn’t get hung up on the part it was intersecting at regular speed.
  2. I don't know how lucky you have to be to get a big E (hehe biggy, just cracked myself up a little), but I found a Class E with over 2,000 tons. I did notice that the game doesn't finalize what the Asteroid is until you get close to it. So you could set up an intercept to a Class E and if you don't like the size revert to an earlier save and try again. I found this out because I didn't like the ship I made to grab the asteroid so I went back to an earlier save and built the ship differently. When I returned to the same asteroid it was more than twice as big! It was fun to bring that big puppy home. I used a fly by around Mun to help me bring it to near equatorial from a highly inclined Kerbin orbit, and now it's still well over 200 tons of ore parked at about 450k x 450k. EDIT: Oops, missed a zero in that size. Here's a screen shot: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=453112502
  3. I was having a similar problem last night. A ship I built would start shaking wildly then explode for no discernable reason. There was some part damage during a stage separation, so I went back and added separatrons and ensured a clean separation event, but to no avail. Just kept shaking wildly and exploding. That got me thinking that there may be a bug I'd discovered. So I made a few saves in the launch process hoping to be able to help by sharing the saves with Squad. Then I tried an older ship that I'd used half a dozen times previously, and it would explode also. So, then I wasn't so sure that what I was seeing was related to the build or parts. Then I rebooted, and everything worked fine afterwards. So, blah blah blah, by all that I guess I'm just saying, did you try rebooting?
  4. This is a better write-up than I could swing together in the few minutes I spent on it when I posted earlier: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/119620-Care-and-Feeding-of-your-MPL-LG-2-Mobile-Processing-Lab-in-1-0-How-to-be-a-science-farmer?p=1908587&viewfull=1#post1908587
  5. The value an experiment has as data in a science lab depends on where it is converted into data. So, by steps: Step 1, do experiment Step 2, move experiment to lab Step 3, convert experiment into lab data using the green bubbly flask icon Step 4, do science (aka wait/warp) Step 5, transmit science home. Key bits: In Step 3, when you click that flask the Data value of the experiment depends on what planet you are on when you click it. If it is on Kerbin it’s tiny, other places have more value. Also if the experiment is processed on the planet it was taken on it’s worth more data. And, if the MPL is on the surface it’s worth more data than if it’s processed in orbit (except on Kerbin, the opposite there). Also, the lab can only hold 500 data at a time, so you may hold experiments to process at a later date. Since you can’t convert all the science to data at once I let it sit on the ship for a long time. So it is ready when I need it. Usually by then I can have the data back home and end up never transmitting the experiment. What I do is land a MPL, and a separate ship that does science, doing two of every experiment, then sending one of them to the MPL and returning the other home. I do this with an extra pod on the lander, so I can store two copies of everything. What I’d like to test but have not tested yet, is if you process an experiment on one MPL then transfer it to another, can you process it again for data? Hope that helps.
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