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Everything posted by AntiSol

  1. I'm unfollowing this thread because I'm tired of people asking questions for which the answers are visible on the current page. If anyone wants me to recompile for a newer version at any point, pm me.
  2. make sure you're trying to connect on the right port on the right machine make sure your firewall isn't blocking it
  3. To use partless mode, just edit the config file, it's GameData/Telemachus/Plugins/PluginData/Telemachus/config.xml Just change the line to <int name="PARTLESS">1</int>
  4. I run telemachus in partless mode, so i don't use the antenna. Maybe you could use partless mode and eliminate the need for the antenna? I know it doesn't really address your question but maybe it's a feasible workaround.
  5. Replace GameData/Telemachus/Plugins/PluginData/Telemachus/leafletksp.js with This modified version to use the replacement Kerbal Maps
  6. I was able to recompile Telemachus so that it works with KSP v1.3 You can download the recompiled files from https://antisol.org/Telemachus-1.3.zip This is not a full release, just the dlls, so you'll need to have an older version installed already (just download and install the latest official Telemachus release if you don't). Unzip the files into GameData/Telemachus/Plugins, overwriting the dll files there, and it should work with the latest version of KSP (I'm on 64bit Linux, not sure if these files will work on other platforms, but I think they probably will) Enjoy!
  7. Hi, thanks for mechjeb, it's awesome! I'm using the latest dev build and I think there's something wrong with the terminal velocity calculations. The 'limit to terminal velocity' option kicks in during ascent but not nearly as early as it used to. Perhaps the new aerodynamics stuff in v1.0 is causing issues? I've created a custom window to show me terminal velocity and I've kept an eye on it over the course of a few launches, and it doesn't seem to behaving correctly to me. My understanding is that terminal velocity should be around 110m/s at around 1000m, and should climb as the atmosphere thins during ascent - I remember reading a tutorial ages ago when I first started playing which said that I should be doing 110m/s at 1km altitude and 220m/s at 10km. Previous versions of mechjeb accelerated at about this rate by throttling down due to hitting terminal velocity very early during ascent. But here's what I see: When my ship is on the pad before I launch, the terminal velocity reads either NaN or ~70m/s. But as soon as I launch (less than 200m from the pad), It reads somewhere around 400m/s and starts falling during ascent. As the terminal velocity figure falls, my ship's speed increases. this goes on until somewhere around 5kms altitude, at which point the ship has accelerated up to about 330m/s and terminal velocity has dropped to 330m/s, so the "limit to terminal velocity" option kicks in and mechjeb throttles down. After a little while (I think it's around 8km altitude), the terminal velocity speed starts rising again and mechjeb throttles back up and gets me into orbit. It's been a while since I played kerbal (I heard about the 1.0 release and decided to see what was new), so perhaps something has changed or I'm missing something. I seem to be using more fuel to get into orbit using mechjeb than doing it manually and limiting my speed as mentioned above (220m/s at 10km). If there are any logs or more detailed info I can provide to help track this down, or tests you'd like me to do, please let me know. I'm running KSP via steam on ubuntu, using the dev build from a few hours ago. Thanks!
  8. Hi, thanks for mechjeb, it's awesome! I'm using the latest dev build and I think there's something wrong with the terminal velocity calculations. The 'limit to terminal velocity' option kicks in during ascent but not nearly as early as it used to. Perhaps the new aerodynamics stuff in v1.0 is causing issues? I've created a custom window to show me terminal velocity and I've kept an eye on it over the course of a few launches, and it doesn't seem to behaving correctly to me. My understanding is that terminal velocity should be around 110m/s at around 1000m, and should climb as the atmosphere thins during ascent - I remember reading a tutorial ages ago when I first started playing which said that I should be doing 110m/s at 1km altitude and 220m/s at 10km. Previous versions of mechjeb accelerated at about this rate by throttling down due to hitting terminal velocity very early during ascent. But here's what I see: When my ship is on the pad before I launch, the terminal velocity reads either NaN or ~70m/s. But as soon as I launch (less than 200m from the pad), It reads somewhere around 400m/s and starts falling during ascent. As the terminal velocity figure falls, my ship's speed increases. this goes on until somewhere around 5kms altitude, at which point the ship has accelerated up to about 330m/s and terminal velocity has dropped to 330m/s, so the "limit to terminal velocity" option kicks in and mechjeb throttles down. After a little while (I think it's around 8km altitude), the terminal velocity speed starts rising again and mechjeb throttles back up and gets me into orbit. It's been a while since I played kerbal (I heard about the 1.0 release and decided to see what was new), so perhaps something has changed or I'm missing something. I seem to be using more fuel to get into orbit using mechjeb than doing it manually and limiting my speed as mentioned above (220m/s at 10km). If there are any logs or more detailed info I can provide to help track this down, or tests you'd like me to do, please let me know. I'm running KSP via steam on ubuntu, using the dev build from a few hours ago. Thanks!
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