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Everything posted by Nachbarino

  1. After some intense testing of KSP's new heat dynamics I have never registred any fair bit of the reentry heating. For some reason, no parts explode or considerably heat up even at a 90 degrees 3000m/s reentry without heatshield, not even science parts or other things with low temperature tolerance, and not even to mention something like capsules. Heatshields do not lose more than 10-40 ablator units, even at extremely steep reentry angles and high reentry speeds. At first I thought this is normal, but then there's a friend of mine telling me about his reentry problems and how everything always explodes in his games, so could my problem possibly be a bug? I have already set the heating to 120 percent, reinstalled KSP and started a new world, but it didn't change anything. What should I do?
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