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    Curious George
  1. First of all thank you very much for this mod, I am always happy and a little melancholic when I see mods from the golden age of space travel, not to forget that it would lower the part count for heavy launches drastically. Ok now some feedback: It would be nice to have a place to put in a probe core. The main engine looks like a multi engine aerospike, but they point straight down instead of alongside the main cone. Like this A fairing would help a lot with testing crafts (and for playing around of course) I am not on a ksp capable computer for the next days, but I will try to upscale a stock fairing. I found a rendering of the nexus on projectrho.com Here is the webpage of the artist: http://william-black.deviantart.com/gallery/48294645/Real-Designs I will continue playing around with this mod next week, I really like it. Tanks again and keep up the good work
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