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  1. I tried putting on reaction wheels. Thank you very much!. Now I know why. No problem now. Having fun
  2. Hmm.. When I was at mainsail stage, coasting to apoasis, then when it's time for the circularization burn, mechjeb put's full throttle, and the rocket flings wildly missing it's intended plan. Hmm..... but it's already so high up, shouldn't be FAR's effect right?hmm.... Or maybe I am just too noob. =P
  3. Hi All, KSP Newbie here, Mods installed are FAR. KSP version 1.0.2 I am using Mechjeb dev version. Using the stock Kerbal-X, mechjeb Ascent guidance can't get it to orbit automatically. The problem happens when Mechjeb tries to burn for circularization at Apoasis after gravity turn and coasting. Whenever Mechjeb tries to engage the engines to circularize..... it cause the rocket to spin wildly out of control. Any idea why?? Mechjeb or Kerbal-X Rocket's problem?
  4. Hi All, Newbie question. KSP 1.0.2. I had FAR installed. and Mechjeb dev version. Using the stock Kerbal-X rocket, i used mechjeb for ascent guidance. Autipilot, default settings didn' touch anything.. Apparently when it reaches circularization phase, mechjeb starts to engage engines(Poodle engine)... and that causes the final stage of the rocket to spin out of control. wildly. Hence circularization failed.... may I ask why??? Problem with the stock craft? or mechjeb?
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