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    Curious George

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  1. SOLVED! For anyone else who runs into this, all you need to do is call DoNotDestroy.DontDestroyOnLoad([GameObject]); I'm rather new to programming in general so this may be some simple issue with fundamentals, but I'm having the following problem: I'm making a basic flight warning system, using textures and sounds to alert the user to certain conditions (e.g. low fuel, high temperature, etc). On Start() I load the textures and sound files in separate modules, e.g. Start() { CraftView.LoadTextures() NoiseMaker.LoadSounds() } The textures work fine, but the sound files only work until I either switch to another vessel or leave flight for the VAB/space center/etc. After this any time I try to play a sound file I just get a null reference exception. I gather that I need to reload the sound files again somehow but if I simply call NoiseMaker.LoadSounds() again on scene change I get a game crippling error where the null references go into overdrive and you get the "blue word/semi underground kraken" type visual bug. Could someone smarter than me shed some light on what it is I don't understand here? The basic structure of NoiseMaker.LoadSounds is: sound_one = GameObjectName.AddComponent<AudioSource>(); sound_one.panLevel = 0; sound_one.clip = GameDatabase.Instance.GetAudioClip("path/to/sound/file"); sound_one.loop = false; <repeat for other sounds> Sample log output: NullReferenceException at KAWS.NoiseMaker.RefreshSounds () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  2. Does anyone have any idea for an easy way to check if service/cargo bay doors are open/closed? For landing legs & solar panels I just used FindPartModulesImplementing to find each part and then looped through checking the state (legState/StateString), but <ModuleCargoBay> doesn't seem to have any state/status/etc value I can find.
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