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Everything posted by BrianWW

  1. fistfullofnails, Did you ever get your problem solved? We've been out of town and just got back yesterday. BWW
  2. Thanks everybody. I must admit, I have to play it in windowed mode, otherwise in full screen I can lose a full day. Of course, I also jumped straight into career mode, which is not necessarily the easiest way to get started either.... BWW
  3. I had tried the KSP demo, but never got very far with it. Nevertheless, I went ahead and bought 1.0 when it came out and am I glad I did! This game is a brain and time-eater like I haven't played since Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space in my late '20s (and THAT should give you a clue as to how old I am). Thanks, Squad, for letting me have my space program fantasies again. BWW
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