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Everything posted by ZentroCatson

  1. 1448: Subnautica. You spend an evening enjoying the game.
  2. Just hold still while I get some duct tape to seal that hole to that weird part of the internet. Waiter, my soup is saying "Die, die, die!"!
  3. Luckily I know orbital mechanics and how to use fart propulsion This thing attacks the next poster.
  4. A tunneling machine has a speed of 10 meters a day. You'll never catch me. I hit the next poster with a frying pan.
  5. Floor 1443: This floor is a massive donkey pen. The monotone screaming of the donkeys gives you headaches, so you quickly run to the next floor.
  6. How about iridium? (Sorry for the large image…)
  7. You got me angry… So I get into my mech and reclaim my hill. Nothing can withstand the sheer fire power of a mech equipped with a short-range minigun, a long range cannon and an AA missile launcher! My smoking hill with a half-broken mech on it. (You three can keep your hill)
  8. -11 (+) If you won't give us this victory, we'll take it by force!
  9. I go to the nearest unowned hill and claim it. Everyone can keep their hills. But don't get me angry.
  10. What could possibly go wrong? *press* If you press this button, you either get a parrot (33%), a duck (33%), an ostrich (33%), or you'll get to meet death himself (and survive) (1%).
  11. 1428: A french guy calls you to a duel, but you distract him by talking about swallows and their ability to carry coconuts and escape to floor 1429.
  12. The simple illogicalness of that thing makes it disintegrate right after it leaves the dock. The debris of the USS Enterprise hit the next user.
  13. 1425: This room has a gigantic aquarium in the middle of it, leaving only little space between itself and the walls. You feel an urge to tap the glass of the aquarium, but are reminded that you don't know what will tap back and how hard.
  14. I guess its because of some problem that needs engines to directly feed into their own power bank… But the EC capacity is like, 0.1 units, so it isn't much of a unbalance. But I did have some cases where I had a lot of engines on my rocket and I got +1 unit of power from the engines "batteries". Maybe someone who knows how these things function can tell us more about it, I only got my feet wet in this system.
  15. 8/10 The Mercy pixel art is cute! :hailprobe:
  16. 1420: This room is full of mountain dew, doritos and gaming rigs. You wonder who lives here- oh, wait a moment, was that a gremlin running past you?
  17. No, its high noon in your soup. Quickly, go hide somewhere! Waiter, there's a dead Overwatch meme in my soup! I thought I buried them!
  18. And I poke back with a sword. I shoot the next user with a swiss assault rifle. And those things are pin-point accurate, just so you know.
  19. Potato battery driven chicken launcher! Potato battery driven chicken launcher! Potato battery driven chicken launcher!
  20. Nope. Never been a fan of RNG, and always hated FNAF. If you press this button, you either find the holy grail, or get eaten by the killer bunny.
  21. I like to do these kinds of jokes anyways, so why not? Million dollars, but… you get a very annoying parrot that follows you around everywhere and uses foul language. And you're not allowed to kill or dispose it in any other ways.
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