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Everything posted by Hididigeigei

  1. Well I think i found part of the problem, and i might be entirely my fault... I did not adjust the arrival date from the initial porkchop calculation. For my equatorial orbit and the ~202 days flight time the given burn could be the most efficient. So this leads me to a couple of questions: *)Is the initial porkchop Delta-V always for all possible starting orbits/inclinations? *)If so, is there a way to display the most efficent Inclination? *)When entering Transfer&Initial Orbit Information, i can automatically adjust the arrival date through the right-click context menu, maybe it would be nice if this also took your entered Orbit information into account? And now to some other questions i have regarding the general use of this tool, please bear with me *)I have not found any information regarding this: Is there a way to set the default Time System to Kerbin Time, i have to change it every time i start KSPTOT *)Last time i tried to use "Get Orbit from KSP" it entered -69,7° for RAAN and then i got an error message, stating i could not use this value? Thanks so far, now i have to go learn everything about the mission architect
  2. I sure need to learn alot more about this thing Attention, screenshots incoming! So my search for the porkchop gives me this: As said earlier, starting from an 50 degree inclined orbit would give me a good resolution, but my ship already is on an equatorial orbit so i enter it for the calculation and get this result: This burn slings me below Kerbin and actually gets me to Eve, but requires 2500 m/s for the departure only: I didn't pack enough fuel so i searched another, cheaper, burn and found it for 1160 m/s: So now i am wondering why the tool gave me this weird burn in the first place, and how i can avoid it in the future. Many thanks.
  3. With 50 degrees i get a really cheap transfer burn, thanks. The thing is, i now managed a transfer burn myself to Eve on an equatorial orbit on said Date Y2D110 requiring only ~1200 m/s, burning only prograde and normal, and another 1600m/s for the insertion, which is still less than the tool tried to give me for the departure burn alone, so a cheaper solution ist definitely possible...
  4. Hi, I started using this handy tool yesterday and got some nice transfers but now i ran into a problem. Maybe you guys could help me understand whats wrong, if it's an error on my side... I wanted to get a simple transfer from Kerbin to Eve searching from earliest Departure and Arrival Time: Year 2 Day 110 Kerbin Time System (6 Hours day) The Porkchop says for optimized Departure+Arrival Delta-V 2.2285 km/s while the detailed window gives me 2.2279 km/s After trying dozen of orbits to calculate the departure burn, even with the default 700km SMA, the departure maneuver now alone requires at least 2.8 km/s. It requires always far more than the earlier calculations for Departure + Arrival together.
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