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  1. Ok...first I really like using DR and have never had a problem...until now. But this version ain't behaving for me. During reentry parts don't experience FLUX changes so nothing heats up. And sometimes the flux values visually stutter , like its looking for the right numbers. I've played with the games debug thermal settings with no results. The games stock reentry heating is set to 120%. I'm running very few other mods. Everything worked before all the updates. Not 64bit. 1500+ hours played.
  2. Thats probably the reason, thanks so much. I was running TAC LS with TAC provisions AND USI LS without NOMS. I couldn't find a way ingame to disable the USI so just forgot about it.
  3. This occurred at the same time in three different labs. I've tried to edit my save file by changing "tourist" to "crew" in the Roster section. That didn't work. Anyone have some advice how to get'em back ?
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