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Everything posted by Mr_Breeze

  1. Just want to apologize for sounding like such a jerk last night. Thank you for all of your contributions to the community. I have been using your mods for years, mostly with 100% satisfaction!
  2. Can you put this on CKAN please? The old version is there, and links to the old thread as well.
  3. Two suggestions: 1: Put this on CKAN 2: Put the video review in the OP I wasn't very interested in this, until I saw the video by Kattabos demonstrating the parts. Now I wish it were on CKAN, so I could install and update it easily. Nice job, the models look great. I hope they perform just as well.
  4. This probably isn't related to this mod at all, but it is related to one of your releases. I don't have any contract packs made by you, so I am unsure where it comes from. The issue is with a contract wanting tests done in low or high kerbin orbit. I tried doing the two LKO ones twice on polar orbits (on my scanning sat) below 200km. They did not complete. Since 70km - 200km is generally considered to be LKO, I assume there is a specific orbital altitude you are asking for. I cannot for the life of me understand why people are making contracts with vague parameters. It is really frustrating... Why not just say, "...from an orbit of 150km above Kerbin"? To relate the issue to this mod, is it possible to have contracts window + or an extension pull the exact objectives for easy access? This would make this mod a must have since there are so many contracts with vague parameters.
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