I am having trouble G-forces, if somebody could help with any advice? Playing career mode RP-0, using all of the recommended mods and some of the suggested mods, plus a couple of UI-related things such as Kerbal Alarm Clock and Science Alert. Unlocked the first capsule - built a simple single stage sub-orbital rocket, launched it - don't remember the altitude I reached, some hundreds of km, and velocity maxed out around 3,500 m/s. Upon reentry, some heating starts, then G-forces rise and rise, until around 30 km my pilot gets splatted across the cabin. I figured maybe the velocity was too high, so I built a replica of Mercury-Redstone using FASA (I believe). After gravity turn and full burn, apogee is around 280 km, and velocity something like 2,500 m/s. Reentry - same thing happens around 30 km, and my pilot is splatted again. What am I doing wrong? I see no way in the Mercury capsule to slow my descent so the G-forces aren't so lethal; they just rise up to maximum and kill my pilot. Obviously I'm doing something wrong, but what? If I can't survive a simple suborbital flight, how will I survive any orbital returns?