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Everything posted by FoxtrodAlpha

  1. The P50 Variants! This craft has a design so the propellers are in the back. (from left to right) P-50P, P-50PM, and P-50E. The difference between them is that they have different engines. The P-50P has a propeller that is slightly less powerful than the P-50PM. But the P-50E has a turbojet. Hope you like it! http://imgur.com/gallery/2LlVDyP/new
  2. I used the 0.90 version in 0.90. Haven't used it since. I deleted it.
  3. I have had Kerbal Space Program for about a month now, but I've decided to get a move on and join the forum! Any tips for maneuvering in the atmosphere with mainsails? I spin out almost every time. Anyways, hello!
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