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Everything posted by ForScience6686

  1. I believe if you right click you should be able to " test" if not, adjust the Minn atmosphere up to around .65-.70 to allow you to stage without it deploying until in deeper atmosphere.
  2. Increased intakes increase drag, that is your enemy. Fuel ratios must be maintained for best efficiency, the thinner or less dense the air, the less fuel can be used for proper combustion. Even a car with a turbo loses power when running at high altitudes.
  3. The higher you go the less air is available for the engine. The wheesley is designed for simple jets, nothing real high or fast. Use it for survey contracts on kerbin then move on to the whiplash.
  4. I used to try and de orbit trash, but it ends up being a chore so I just delete it. IRL wouldn't orbital decay cause the junk to over time de orbit anyways? At least that's my excuse.
  5. The controls were changed in 1.0, what is stated above is much better IMO eliminating the accidental throttling of the engine.
  6. I say colonize both. Why make a choice? Tailor a mission to suit each planet and have some fun. Don't be hindered by challenges, create solutions. Plus you'll have plenty of time to wait while the colony is in transit.
  7. I would add more fin. Don't be afraid to use wings, you are after all lifting a giant payload, use giant fins. That should help stabilize your dart and give you more control authority.
  8. In that case I would agree with above. I think the lift you are seeing is caused by the air stream hitting the side of the rocket. Check if you have the same lift while flying at prograde.
  9. I have not experienced this issue and use the large fairing often. I didn't think they created lift due to the round shape. - - - Updated - - - I have not experienced this issue and use the large fairing often. I didn't think they created lift due to the round shape. I can't see your ship very well but it looks like an odd design. Is the rocket tank off set?
  10. You will need to make a slight turn around 100 m/s to get the gravity turn started. How much depends on your twr, low twr less of a turn. I'm mobile right now so I'll check your crafts later hopefully.
  11. Sepratrons are not the best answer, however they are my default so I don't have to worry about this issue. In fact I made a sub assembly with the nose cone to quickly throw it together and never worry about it. Plus it looks great staging them.
  12. Think of your craft like a dart. The fins on the back add drag which keeps the front facing forward. In your case, you're trying to throw the dart backwards.
  13. The radiators are not for re entry, they will absorb the heat. Those are primarily for nukes at this point. But they are causing drag so remove them. You will have to come in retrograde or you will continue to burn up. Without thrust you will have to test and repeat the proper de orbit to hit the target exact, you would be better off with a different approach to this.
  14. Right and left are dependent on your orientation. Like said above, use v to cycle camera mode to locked.
  15. Your trajectory will change because you are experiencing drag which will slow you down. It will be hard to pin point a landing spot if you have no thrust available on your lander. Are those radiators on the ship? I don't see why you would be needing those. I would guess you have a lot of drag on the science Jr, causing the instability. Does it try to fall facing prograde?
  16. Add a sepratron on the nose cone and adjust the angle so it doesn't burn directly into your center stack. Make sure your boosters are at or below center engine.
  17. Start off with boosters to get altitude for better efficiency of your rocket engines. You'll make orbit at that speed, so make sure you have enough left over to de orbit.
  18. Congratulations! Those pesky fuel lines! I believe you go to edit on the original post and change the prefix at the top.
  19. Are you actually burning up exploding or just seeing the graphics?
  20. Nose cones are highly recommended, not sure about the strut question though.
  21. So, I don't like the clipping of a nose cone into an engine, but lets say you had some radical mounted engines that you would not use until orbit. Would it be worth the extra weight to add a decoupler and nose cone while going through the atmosphere? What kind of savings as you looking at?
  22. If I recall correctly, they are counted as one part and remains as a part on the ship until the base is discarded. I would put the whole payload in the fairing or just use nose cones.
  23. Nice work. I myself avoid the mods but that's personal preference. Iwill usually install lights where needed as you will always end up doing important duties on the dark side. Welcome aboard and happy science-ing.
  24. I believe the labels are controlled by distance, I'm sure there's a rule to edit for that solution but I don't know it and have never needed it, the labels appear fast enough out to not be a problem for me. I know you can use caps lock in vehicles for fine controls but have not personally tried it with eva pack. Not sure what you man by this question. I'm guessing your asking the range of the lights. I know is not far but I've never cared about the distance. Just test while on Eva with you ship ad target and check the distance readout as you approach.
  25. I agree with fairing but 50km is a bit long to wait to turn. Losing a lot of time to build horizontal speed which is more important than vertical speed.
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