Hi everyone. I know (generally speaking) how to fly rockets, and how to build them. However, I don't have a very good imagination (it's pathetic, really) and sometimes I can't decide on which is better; stats on paper or theoretical stats. That might sound confusing to some of you, so let me give an example I frequently have a problem with. I understand that getting into orbit (Kerbin) has "stages." Staying at 150mp/s below 3km, then 300mp/s until 20km, then full throttle. That's the "on paper" stats talking there. However, in my mind, I think igniting your SRB(s) at 100% and your liquid engines (in this case, anyway) at 1/3 thrust sends you very quickly through the atmosphere. Yes, I am fighting the atmosphere going faster than 300mp/s, however I'm also getting out of the atmosphere more quickly allowing myself to be in a vacuum, allowing higher isp for my liquid engines. Anyhow, to the main point. I built this rocket and would like help on designing it more efficiently. I used it to land on Duna,(had minor changes) and now plan to land on Eve with it. All help is appreciated, so thank you in advance Here's the rocket file. Was assuming this is how others can see it. Correct me if I'm supposed to do something else, like pictures. http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=00006957629436093308