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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Sad news and technically not really today, but because of the severity of the tragedy all communications and press releases were halted.. 10 brave kerbals were killed when the infamous Kraken attacked near the Mun. Flagship Explorer II with a crew of 9 was destroyed while waiting for refuelling around the Mun, next stops would have been Duna, Eve or any other celestial body it could reach. This was it's maiden test voyage. It included a training facility with engineers, scientists and pilots, as well as a non-atmo lander for 3 for training purposes. Fully self sufficient for decades, the ship wasn't prepared for the horrors it would face at the Mun, upon re-establishing contact the vessel was spinning (or it's orbital velocity, to this day this is unclear) at an impossible and constantly changing speed (including <0) which soon disintegrated the ship. How did we confirm it was a Kraken attack? If the sheer terror in the eyes of the crew, taken from the last images transmitted from the ship don't convince you, one of the last text messages received was 'klaw kraken spotted...'. Though admittedly the beast must have confused the docking parts for klaws or it was starving and less picky, because there were no klaw parts on the ship. Still hungry the beast was not content and attacked the refinery including 1 overwhelmed engineer just doing his job. At the moment, all mining ops have a no-communication order and ground control is looking into ways to prevent all ground miners to succumb to the same fate, though they are unmanned, the amount of lost resources would be enormous. Let's have a moment of silence for our fallen kerbrades who are paving the way for space pioneering. ** not all lost kerbals are depicted, some red shirts refused to take their picture.. (lol the roleplayer in me couldn't resist ;P , what am I gonna do 'tomorrow'? still working on Kerbopolis big civilian orbital city or krakenproof Explorer II(I?) mission, now if I could only make a Kerbopolis that does not feed on FPS..)
  2. funnily enough, I managed to get something in a (obviously) highly elliptical orbit after many, many attempts (this was before I realised there was an orbital tutorial or something called 'youtube videos' or the awesome mr Manley). I soon realized, if you don't know the basics, the hardest part is actually de-orbiting 'Ahyeah freaking space' I thought, made a few orbits, then decided to try re-entry... however, pointing your ship towards Kerbin and going full throttle doesn't really work,.... hehehe Thus, my hardest part.. deorbiting after you force/luck your way into orbit PS: as soon as I realized, I wan't even getting close to returning home, I watched a few vids and boy were those eye openers Now everything about space, gravity, thrust, etc, all makes sense. and as many before me on this forum have said, I cringe whenever I play something space related where all goes from A to B and just 'sits' there
  3. + 1 on the linux comments. Can't say I remember any crashes aside from the occasionally completely unstable ship which summons a kraken anyway, and this with all the usual USI/KIS/KAS/.. mods Only realised a few days ago how screwed windows ppl are, when I was staying at a friends place and needed a KSP fix, also wanted to see how my big stations look on high graphics (he never buys cheap hardware, specially gfx). I seemed to be able to load the mods (took waaay longer then I was used to) but it kept crashing immediately after loading. Stock game worked, but loading still took longer then my modded linux KSP. So yeah, google dual boot linux/windows and perhaps check Linux Mint Cinnamon (best out of the box windows-like exeperience imo), there's plenty of instructions how to keep your windows and try it out, most of it is already automated. Though chances are you're gonna throw the windows out the window soon after, I know I did ;P
  4. recently I discovered Civilian Population mod ;D this was actually 2/3 I ditched a propulsion part to see if fps would go up (sadly it didn't :S) here for a little scale..
  5. By reversed controls you mean RCS and rocket direction/orientation right? Cause this (normally) has nothing to do with stationscience (or any mod that doesn't alter/edit any controls). Usually wrong orientation happens when you flipped part(s) of the ship in VAB that were (part of) a root node, mostly cause halfway through you wanted something to be flipped if it looks better, etc, you can see if this happens when you are on the launchpad and the navball isn't blue but brown, or when your North-line isn't pointing at the usual direction. Easiest solution is to select a docking node or any other part (during or pre-flight) that has some 'control' functionality (pods, docking nodes, etc.), right click the part that is facing the right way and select 'control from here' this will notify the ship which way is forward and the controls should work the right way. This part doesn't even have to be on top or bottom, just has to face (in case of docking node) whatever you intend to be forward. (tip, this can also help with docking if you want something to be docked in a 90 degree angle, select the docking port, control from here and you have basically 'flipped' the direction of your ship)
  6. Just to add my own praise, awesome mod, this always gave me an actually useful science station (even though they upped the use of the stock lab atm). Whatever snag you are hitting atm (time/problem-wise), just keep up the good work. Looking at previous posts it's obvious I'm not the only one that feels this is one of the core mods that adds depth to the game. So whatever time it takes, looking forward to making awesome functional science stations again
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