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  1. Torih's post in What is causing these crashes? was marked as the answer   
    You are running out of memory due to 32bit limitations.
    Add -force-d3d11 (or -force-opengl if you dont have dx11) to the end of your shortcut target. This will reduce usage quite a bit.
    Then either wait for 64bit (soonish) or remove some of the larger mods/remove items from stock and mods you don't use.
    Stock game also has a memory leak when changing scene which doesn't help
  2. Torih's post in My command pod keeps sinking! was marked as the answer   
    Half of those mods you have are not yet updated to 1.2, your issue is probably related to that.
    Edit: And also you have not updated to the latest versions of some mods which are out. The Module manager you have installed is for 1.1.3.
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