Okay, so to start off. Hi! First time on the forum. Played for a couple years, took a huge break, and recently started going nuts again. I play career mode on hard. I feel that's the only way to play. (Reverting flight? Pfffftt) Anyways, I've looked on this forum, as well as googled, and read many tutorials and videos on this subject. My main problem is, even when I'm watching my Center of lift and my Center of mass during each stage, I keep having issues keeping the rocket going up while trying to escape the atmosphere. I read a guide where the COL should be below the COM, but even with that I've had issues. I've tried putting it inside the COM. Still issues. Randomly, I'll have ships that are perfectly stable. Others aren't for unknown reason. I'm wondering if someone can better describe why these things happen? I keep wasting untolds amount of money in career mode having to restart and do it again, only to get stuck as soon as I get to the contracts involving orbit/mun pass by's. I can splice some videos together if need be showing the COL and COM, and then the post flight. I haven't been able to find a pattern based on those numbers as to why my stability feels so random. Oh! Before you ask. I've seen this elsewhere. SAS or no, this still happens. Thanks!