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  1. I must have just messed up my staging, and didn't realize that I had already "armed" the chute. Regardless, seems to be working splendidly now with min pressure at 0.3. Thank you very much for the responses.
  2. I wasn't deploying my chute, but it would be destroyed at about 20km. Changing my Min Pressure to 0.3 solved this issue. What I don't understand, is why that works, and that's bothering me... Will the chute always deploy at the min pressure regardless of whether or not you actually deploy it manually? Any chance anyone could explain?
  3. klevi


    Hey all! Just a quick hello to say that I exist on these forums, and am super excited to be here! Don't have anything else to add, so I'll cut it short there.
  4. Having the same issue. (Yes, I'm totally new, only 18 hours so far.) - But heavily invested in this!
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