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Everything posted by treeninja1999

  1. This mod does not work with the stagerecovery aspect of Kerbal Construction Time. I told the Author and he said this: "It sounds like a configuration issue in KW Rocketry. Try recovering a part that isn't a fuel tank or an engine. They're likely still using the old propulsion category for fuel tanks and engines, which hasn't existed since 0.25. If you look in the save file you'll likely see them listed in the storage. They just don't show up in the GUI because it doesn't have the deprecated Propulsion category."
  2. Ok thanks. I will try and remember to tell the people at KWRocketry forum about that.
  3. I have narrowed it down to I believe just KW Rocketry. Dmagic Orbital science works.So the bug is this: I launch a rocket using kwrocketry parts, it builds them fine. No problem. But when I recover at the end, I do not get any of those parts back. Stock parts, they get added to my inventory as they are supposed to. Hope you can find a fix and thank you for reading! Edit: Here is the log on a second world I created to test if it was just the save. I got to the kwrocketry parts and it did not recover again. Hope this helps! https://www.dropbox.com/s/pco7dibc3jfcz7o/output_log.txt?dl=0
  4. I am not sure if this is a bug or something, but when i use stage recovery and this mod to recover parts from mods they do not go in my inventory. Stock parts do, but only stock.
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